Ethics aperitif at the virtual fireside
The conversation by the virtual fireside with ethix - Lab for innovation ethics delivers food for thought directly to your home office. For sustainable team spirit and inspiration in 2021.
Corona throws loved traditions overboard - for example, the team Christmas dinner.
We, ethix - Lab for innovation ethics, in cooperation with Pakka AG, come to the rescue:
At the virtual fireplace, we will create an inspiring discussion for you and your colleagues. Including an aperitif, which will be delivered to your team's home office. We provide input, challenge old ways of thinking and involve you in dialogue on a digital platform – all while clinking glasses and enjoying the aperitif.
Treat yourself and your team to a Christmas aperitif with added value: an hour of food for thought and inspiration for the New Year – more than just small talk!
We are happy to discuss your tailor-made offer with you personally.
The virtual fireside discussion is available from CHF 50 per person or as a package deal. It includes an aperitif by Pakka, which includes wine and nuts, and an interactive input.
You can choose the focus from a wide range of topics:
- Bigger, higher, further? Humans of the future, and us
- Home office and remote work: work-life-balance 2021 and beyond
- Artificial intelligence? Between utopia and dystopia
- In Mark we trust? Trust and privacy in the digital sphere
- Ethics and innovation in the public sector (together with our friends from STAATSLABOR)
- etc.
Happy to inspire you!
Contact us for a booking or for further information. You can reach Jean-Daniel Strub on 079 638 75 62 or strub@ethix.ch.