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Call for Projects
We raise a deceptively simple but powerful question: how could innovation contribute to the continuing development of ethics?
ethix is a lab for innovation ethics. We provide consulting services for the eth-ics of innovation as well as developing public forums to enable and empower the public discussion on the challenges raised by innovation.
Importantly, we also believe that innovation can serve ethical purposes. We raise a deceptively simple but powerful question: how could innovation contrib-ute to the continuing development of ethics? On the one hand, it pinpoints in-novative projects that have a direct impact on ethical objectives and that we, as a society, want to foster. On the other hand, it calls upon innovation that impacts ethics as a discipline: How can ethics be redesigned by developing new means of applying, practicing and teaching ethics?
To this end, we are putting out an open call for projects. We invite interested teams and people with experience in design, ethics, engineering, social science etc. to submit project ideas that contribute to the goal of ‘innovating ethics’. The outcome of the project should be a tangible product that 1) realizes broadly shared values OR 2) innovates the way we practice and/or teach ethics as a discipline, this call for projects is for you.
Support offered for selected submissions (for a period of 6-12 months):
- Thematic support from the ethix team
- Financial resources to create a prototype and test it
- Consulting and networking within the ethix network with internal and ex-ternal experts.
- Depending on the maturity of the project, support for finding external funding or resources.
Projects will be selected based on the following criteria:
- Novelty of approach/uniqueness of idea
- Ethical approach and societal challenges targeted
- Feasibility regarding resource availability and complexity of the project
Submission guidelines
Submit your proposal by answering the following questions in a short project plan (two pages max.)
- Explain the context of your project
- Describe the approach used for the project
- Explain the target audience of the project
- Explain the relevance of the project for ethics
- Project budget, specifying necessary resources, and planed time-line
- Quick presentation of the applicants/team
- Please send it as an attachment to strohm@ethix.ch until 15. December.
Who are we?
«ethix - lab for innovation ethics», is a lab creating spaces and tools that can be used to assess and proactively address the ethical risks accompanying innovation. ethix works with startups and businesses that act at the forefront of innovation. Together, we develop pro-grams and resources that enable effective and beneficial engagement with ethical questions of innovation. Clarifying ethical stances helps innovative startups and established compa-nies to act consistently and therefor avoid reputational risks. We offer comprehensive analysis, consulting and training on ethical challenges in the context of innovation for organizations.